
Covid in the workplace? Plus other life issues

How is everyone’s workplaces handling sick people or people rapid testing positive with Covid? I ask because my girlfriend and I who live together work for the same small company in Ontario, Canada have been sick since last week. As per our government mandate we isolated for 5 days upon symptoms showing. Our 5 days are up, we’re still sick, we rapid tested last night and are positive for Covid. Our boss is saying we have to come back tomorrow and resume work. In the shop side of the company where I work someone rapid tested positive a few weeks ago and is back. I tested positive on a rapid test. Another shop employee tested positive last week, no idea when they’ll be back. Another coworker just got sent home, or sent themselves home today for showing symptoms. This all seems sketchy as f*ck to me but I’m out of…

How is everyone’s workplaces handling sick people or people rapid testing positive with Covid?

I ask because my girlfriend and I who live together work for the same small company in Ontario, Canada have been sick since last week. As per our government mandate we isolated for 5 days upon symptoms showing. Our 5 days are up, we’re still sick, we rapid tested last night and are positive for Covid. Our boss is saying we have to come back tomorrow and resume work.

In the shop side of the company where I work someone rapid tested positive a few weeks ago and is back. I tested positive on a rapid test. Another shop employee tested positive last week, no idea when they’ll be back. Another coworker just got sent home, or sent themselves home today for showing symptoms.

This all seems sketchy as f*ck to me but I’m out of the loop on all the current Covid protocols and this community seemed like it would be empathetic with this sketchy ordeal.

We were told that we should come in and maintain our distance from everyone. Our current plan is to go in off all the cold and flu meds we’ve been taking. We’re going to look and sound like shit. Make them realize we shouldn’t be there.

The company we work for also didn’t apply for government coverage for employees who are sick from Covid for this year. We were given 3 days for Covid related issues when we started working there last year. Safe to say all those days got used when we got our vaccines, so we are both double vaxxed, we haven’t had time for our boosters yet. What that means is if we want more time off we need to use our personal days (we only get 2 per year), or our vacations days (13 per year).

I also really can’t afford to continue being sick for obvious financial reasons, but I had been planning to use my upcoming weekends to drive to visit my uncle who is battling cancer and was just given 4-6 weeks to live. Come that day I also have to use my above fore mentioned days for his funeral and helping my family because we don’t get bereavement days. I have no idea what our benefits might provide in that instance but I doubt there is anything helpful but I need to look into it.

Our employer has treated us good in the year we’ve been there, but damn they have some sketchy business practices. I just needed to vent here folks. Covid, and the financial state of the world has taken a massive toll on my mental health and there are days I don’t see the point of being alive cause our future never looks good for being able to afford a home or a good life with our animals. But I’m living for our animals so far. I haven’t told my girlfriend my mental health issues yet because I don’t know how but I want to. She deserves to know. But I’m afraid of what the future is going to bring and right now I’m struggling to see a light.

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