
Coworker gets crushed. They don’t even stop production.

Today a coworker was using an overhead crane to move a piece of equipment that probably weighs 10 tons. Somehow he let himself get between the piece of equipment and a steel i-beam and the equipment shifted. He was “pinched” from the waist up. The only reason he was found quickly is a coworker nearby heard metal hit metal and went to investigate. 911 was called. An ambulance arrived. They cut off his shirt. There was pretty obvious damage to his rib cage along one side and his skull. Bleeding out of his ear on the injured side. He was awake and talking when they put him in the ambulance. Nobody knows how bad it is yet, or even if he’ll survive. The cherry on top? The plant manager made sure that production kept running while the paramedics are still trying to stabilize and move him. They’re literally driving forklifts…

Today a coworker was using an overhead crane to move a piece of equipment that probably weighs 10 tons. Somehow he let himself get between the piece of equipment and a steel i-beam and the equipment shifted. He was “pinched” from the waist up. The only reason he was found quickly is a coworker nearby heard metal hit metal and went to investigate. 911 was called. An ambulance arrived. They cut off his shirt. There was pretty obvious damage to his rib cage along one side and his skull. Bleeding out of his ear on the injured side. He was awake and talking when they put him in the ambulance. Nobody knows how bad it is yet, or even if he’ll survive.

The cherry on top? The plant manager made sure that production kept running while the paramedics are still trying to stabilize and move him. They’re literally driving forklifts around the accident site while my coworker is still laying there, bleeding out his ear.

I’m still in shock. Don’t know what to think or feel. Praying this guy doesn’t die and that he’s not permanently crippled by this accident. He’s the primary breadwinner for his family. And I have to go back to work tomorrow and do my job like nothing happened.

Fuck capitalism

Fuck this disposable workforce mentality

Fuck this company

Fuck those managers

Edit1: grammar/spelling

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