
Coworkers ask me multiple questions everyday for the past year.

So I’ve been on my team for about 3 years (office job). Naturally I’ve been exposed to a lot of situations that might arise and I’m proactive so I’ve done a lot of digging and researching and self learning. I didn’t have a lot of guidance because when I first joined it was just myself, my manager, and one other person and my manager was basically too busy establishing our team and program to train me all the time. Fast forward to about a year ago, we hired 5 new people. They’ve had A LOT of hand holding, an established program with written policies and procedures, endless guide documents etc. Instead of figuring things out on their own and researching or using their brain, most of them ping me a question AT MINIMUM once a day. So I have 5 different people asking me things they should be able to…

So I’ve been on my team for about 3 years (office job). Naturally I’ve been exposed to a lot of situations that might arise and I’m proactive so I’ve done a lot of digging and researching and self learning. I didn’t have a lot of guidance because when I first joined it was just myself, my manager, and one other person and my manager was basically too busy establishing our team and program to train me all the time.

Fast forward to about a year ago, we hired 5 new people. They’ve had A LOT of hand holding, an established program with written policies and procedures, endless guide documents etc.

Instead of figuring things out on their own and researching or using their brain, most of them ping me a question AT MINIMUM once a day. So I have 5 different people asking me things they should be able to figure out on their own.

They are so lazy they won’t even summarize their issue most of the time. They will just forward me a long email chain and say “can you please me here ?”

For the first few months of course it’s okay to ask multiple questions but now we’re in a year in. I’m also not their fucking manager. I can’t help but be short with my answers. How do I get them to stop asking me questions and use their brain? Am I wrong for being annoyed? I’m at my breaking point.

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