
Crocs just fired my husband for reporting a co-worker who said he used to lynch gay men. The co-worker still works there.

My husband was just fired from the Crocs distribution center in Dayton. If you're under the impression that Crocs cares at all about minorities, you're wrong. Last week, my husband reported a co-worker for multiple transphobic, misogynistic, racist and homophobic comments. These included: Complaining about having to stand in line to clock out behind a group of women in headscarves, referring to them as “towelheads” Complaining that he had to work with women in general (“I know we need people but why did it have to be a girl?”) Telling someone that “back in his day” he used to “trick these f*ggots” into going to a party, drive them into an open field, and kick the shit out of them. When talking about a transman he worked with “She's got titties, she uses the girl's bathroom, she's a girl.” The supervisor he complained to went straight to the guy that…

My husband was just fired from the Crocs distribution center in Dayton. If you're under the impression that Crocs cares at all about minorities, you're wrong.

Last week, my husband reported a co-worker for multiple transphobic, misogynistic, racist and homophobic comments. These included:

Complaining about having to stand in line to clock out behind a group of women in headscarves, referring to them as “towelheads”

Complaining that he had to work with women in general (“I know we need people but why did it have to be a girl?”)

Telling someone that “back in his day” he used to “trick these f*ggots” into going to a party, drive them into an open field, and kick the shit out of them.

When talking about a transman he worked with “She's got titties, she uses the girl's bathroom, she's a girl.”

The supervisor he complained to went straight to the guy that made the comments and outright told him my husband was the one that complained about him. The co-worker didn't deny any of these comments. He explicitly told my husband “I don't remember saying that, but I probably did, I say a lot of dumb shit in here.” He did, however, stay late after his shift, wait for my husband in the parking lot, and follow him around in his truck, while shouting at him, which my husband reported to HR. HR told him the next day “Well, those comments were a while ago. There's nothing we can do about it now. And he didn't actually DO anything in the parking lot, so if you don't like working with him, you should think about finding a new job.” MULTIPLE employees reported this co-worker. Crocs chose to do nothing about it.

Today, my husband was fired. He was told a co-worker overheard him “muttering under your breath that you would hurt people if you ever got in trouble or were let go, because people needed to be hurt, and that women impede your work and you don't like working with them.”
Never in a million fucking years would my husband EVER say something like that. Who even does that? Who just walks around muttering crazy shit under their breath? Nobody does that. Crocs KNOWS this is bullshit and they have no proof he ever said anything as insane as they're saying. They fired him anyway.

If you're a woman, or gay, or trans, Dayton Crocs will definitely hire you! But they do not give two shits about providing a safe work environment for you. The guy that said he used to lynch gay men? He still works there. For some bizarre reason, Crocs is choosing to protect the man that admitted to making all those disgusting comments and firing anyone that complains. Super cool that they sell trans and gay pride shoes but actively work to provide an oppressive work environment for gay and trans people.

If you work at Crocs and you've ever thought about going to HR or calling their ethics line – don't bother. That line exists so they know who to fire.

For now we're now down to my income alone, which after taxes and my terrible health insurance is around $1500 a month, for two people with a mortgage to pay and mouths to feed. Thanks, Crocs! But hey, at least instead of cash bonuses after “record shipping numbers”, you offered overcooked hot dogs and undercooked burgers, and got pissy when people complained!

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