
Crocs retaliated against me too. Cheated me out of my last check. I reported them to the DOL and won (sorta). They stole your tax dollars and bragged about it. I LOST MY SHIT and had a visit with the police.

After seeing this thread from yesterday I thought I'd share my story of working for Crocs. This story involves retaliation, wage theft, lying to the Department of Labor, the stealing of your tax dollars, and me losing my shit when they bragged about it. So Croc's uses a company called Remy Corp to avoid paying their workers benefits like health insurance/paid days off and to steal PPP funds so you may see that name in the pictures below. Don't be confused, its all the same company I realize now. I filed an ethical complaint with the HR department because the recruiter lied to me and as a result I lost my job. (Make sure if you ever file a complaint in the future to record it, Crocs denied that I ever filed a complaint.) They locked me out of the payroll system and refused to pay my final check. ​…

After seeing this thread from yesterday I thought I'd share my story of working for Crocs. This story involves retaliation, wage theft, lying to the Department of Labor, the stealing of your tax dollars, and me losing my shit when they bragged about it.

So Croc's uses a company called Remy Corp to avoid paying their workers benefits like health insurance/paid days off and to steal PPP funds so you may see that name in the pictures below. Don't be confused, its all the same company I realize now.

I filed an ethical complaint with the HR department because the recruiter lied to me and as a result I lost my job. (Make sure if you ever file a complaint in the future to record it, Crocs denied that I ever filed a complaint.)

They locked me out of the payroll system and refused to pay my final check.

Then they took ~500k in PPP funds (your tax dollars) which the owners pocketed.

So the DOL case finally started and they decided that repeatedly lying and slandering me was the best way to respond. They falsely accused me of stealing secrets and other nonsense. After I provided GPS data and credit card receipts, they refused to participate in the Department of Labors wage theft investigation and refused to answer any questions the court had. THE CDOL is unfortunately either corrupt or wholly incompetent. While they did rule in my favor, instead of fining them for failure to respond they were given a discount if they paid the judgement. I guess we're rewarding perjury these days.

They refused to pay me this $4200. But they were more than happy to steal another ~250k of your tax dollars that the owners once again pocketed.

I sent an email to the HR department where I provided proof of all this unethical behavior (see below):

I finally got a check for $4200 in the mail, triple what they attempted to steal. I was naïve and thought after sharing all this and providing proof, Crocs would take its seriously and stop doing business with Remy Corp, but you all know better. They were on Twitter yesterday saying how they have “zero tolerance policy” for retaliation. I laughed out loud when I saw that.

I left a Google and a Glassdoor review to try to warn people not to do business with this company. Google deletes my review and Glassdoor was happy to take money from Crocs to promote a bunch of fake reviews so mine would be pushed to the bottom.

One review was from one of the owners bragging about how much business they had and how they couldn't keep up with all of it. How they were raking in money or something along those lines. Knowing how they steal from their workers and steal from the tax payers, I lost my shit and sent them the below email.

This got me a meeting with the police LOL. They were surprisingly cool about the whole thing. Apparently im no longer allowed at the Croc's building.

After I sent that email they modified the review on Glassdoor so you cant really see why I had the reaction that I did. Just more cowardly needle dick behavior from Crocs/Remy Corp.

Please don't buy those ugly shoes anymore. This companies is evil while it pretends to be ethical.

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