
Curfew on Business Trips – Cross Posting myself

To start off, I have very little intention to actually continue to travel for my company after they pass these new rumored rules, but I am trying to gather more information to properly react. I have seen drafts that are being written up that will set up a curfew for us when we are out on business trips, with the curfew being set at midnight. I tried googling other people's experiences, but this seems so insane that nobody else has experienced it? I plan on informing them that if they require me to be in my hotel room at midnight, they will be required to start paying me starting at midnight. They also plan on pushing multiple mandatory company dinners with our CEO (3x dinners over a 5 night trip), which I also intent to inform them that I will be clocked in if they are mandatory. Has anyone ever…

To start off, I have very little intention to actually continue to travel for my company after they pass these new rumored rules, but I am trying to gather more information to properly react.

I have seen drafts that are being written up that will set up a curfew for us when we are out on business trips, with the curfew being set at midnight. I tried googling other people's experiences, but this seems so insane that nobody else has experienced it? I plan on informing them that if they require me to be in my hotel room at midnight, they will be required to start paying me starting at midnight. They also plan on pushing multiple mandatory company dinners with our CEO (3x dinners over a 5 night trip), which I also intent to inform them that I will be clocked in if they are mandatory.

Has anyone ever experienced something like this? That your management mandated that you be back at your hotel room by a certain time? How did you deal with it?

For more information, yes, we are all adults. I am the youngest on our team at 29 years. Yes, we do regularly go out drinking, sometimes by ourselves, and sometimes with clients, and yes, we do always show up on time the next morning. I've been with the company for a decade, and they have been continuously stripping more and more “fun parts” from our trips, and this might just be the last straw for me.

I will gladly post the policy language once it's official.


I am hourly.

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