
Current issues

I was chatting with my neighbor, and she had a good idea to help maybe start to get some change thats better for all of us in the U.S instead of the bullshit we keep getting. Everyone do nothing for 1 day. Don't go to work. Don't go to the store. Don't spend any money. I'm posting here because I know for many even 1 day off work can be detrimental, but if millions of Americans just chilled at home for a day or 2 I do think it would be detrimental to the leading class and the rich. We saw at the beginning of th3 pandemic that so many massive/major corporations are even worse with money than any single person. They couldn't go a week without the status quo. I truly do believe she is on to something. Maybe every Saturday just everyone stays home and doesn't spend a…

I was chatting with my neighbor, and she had a good idea to help maybe start to get some change thats better for all of us in the U.S instead of the bullshit we keep getting. Everyone do nothing for 1 day. Don't go to work. Don't go to the store. Don't spend any money. I'm posting here because I know for many even 1 day off work can be detrimental, but if millions of Americans just chilled at home for a day or 2 I do think it would be detrimental to the leading class and the rich. We saw at the beginning of th3 pandemic that so many massive/major corporations are even worse with money than any single person. They couldn't go a week without the status quo. I truly do believe she is on to something. Maybe every Saturday just everyone stays home and doesn't spend a dime. We know voting helps a bit, but it's not enough. If we start hurting the bottom line we may get some damb change. Honestly idk what else to do. I wish we could riot and protest like the French, but we all know they will just either beat us, kill us, or incarcerate us. It's fuckiny sad. Richest nation in the world and the most “free” we are crumbling. Im 27 and a foreman in my field maxed out on pay. Yet I'm still paycheck to paycheck. This shit can't keep going the way it is. It was already bad enough when it was the difference between the people who make the money getting shit and the top hoarding it all, but now they are trying to take away the few rights we have left and control us even more. Fuck idk what to do but we really do need to do something.

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