
Current manager is accepting a new position in the company, new manager is one of the most repellent and disrespectful employee at the company, should I quit?

I have worked for this company for 8 years with the same awesome coworker in the finance department. We been assigned to over 6 new managers over the years due to attrition, company reorganizations, and promotions. The new proposed manager is someone I dislike on a personal and professional level. If my disdain of them was purely personal, I could manage my expectations and still work for this company. List of grievances: Yelled, argued, and dressed down my mom at my mom’s place of work, even when they knew my mom personally Is condescending when talking to people whose mother tongue is not English In true crappy manager fashion, takes credit for successes belonging to their subordinates and throws them under the bus when there are short fallings of their own behavior Provides little to no support to their subordinates, so my coworkers and I constantly are helping that team…

I have worked for this company for 8 years with the same awesome coworker in the finance department. We been assigned to over 6 new managers over the years due to attrition, company reorganizations, and promotions.

The new proposed manager is someone I dislike on a personal and professional level. If my disdain of them was purely personal, I could manage my expectations and still work for this company.

List of grievances:

  • Yelled, argued, and dressed down my mom at my mom’s place of work, even when they knew my mom personally
  • Is condescending when talking to people whose mother tongue is not English
  • In true crappy manager fashion, takes credit for successes belonging to their subordinates and throws them under the bus when there are short fallings of their own behavior
  • Provides little to no support to their subordinates, so my coworkers and I constantly are helping that team with technical tasks and inquiries
  • Constantly one ups people when having personal conversations
  • Is non responsive to email inquiries unless it is to tell someone they are completely wrong
  • Is engaged to a coworker that is constantly talking out of both sides of their mouth and shirks responsibility the moment it becomes to hard

The things holding me back are typical: friendships with coworkers, the work is easy, and the pay is decent.

I have made my feelings known about this manager, so it’s no secret how I, and many people, view them. In fact, they have been given less responsibility and have had projects taken away from them permanently because of their ineptitude.

They keep getting promoted and retained while other incredible workers are dropping like flies.

Okay, I think I just answered my question. I don’t belong at a company that rewards this type of psychopathic behavior.

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