
Currently at an interview, sent my resume a week before coming, filled out the application in person and the interviewer goes into another room to read it?

My interview was at 11am and I showed up a few minutes before. The interviewer was on the phone so I waited a little and they gave me an in person application to fill out and of course it’s just all the stuff that’s on my resume. I finish it around 11:15 and the interviewer took it, went it to another room and now I’m just waiting here?? Like couldn’t we go over it together, and you also had my resume before I even came. They really don’t care about peoples time. It’s 11:30 now and I’m still waiting for the interview to even start. If I don’t even consider this place would that be dramatic ?

My interview was at 11am and I showed up a few minutes before. The interviewer was on the phone so I waited a little and they gave me an in person application to fill out and of course it’s just all the stuff that’s on my resume. I finish it around 11:15 and the interviewer took it, went it to another room and now I’m just waiting here?? Like couldn’t we go over it together, and you also had my resume before I even came. They really don’t care about peoples time. It’s 11:30 now and I’m still waiting for the interview to even start. If I don’t even consider this place would that be dramatic ?

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