
Currently unemployed

Started work this morning as usual, hating life, when my manager requested a meeting with her and another manager. Sure. They notified me that as I was still under probation and it’s clear that this isn’t working out from both sides, today will be my last day.. effective immediately. They were kind and respectful during the meeting with all that bs – ‘please let us know if there’s anything we can do to help you, any references or notice of termination. We’re so grateful for everything you’ve done so far and for how hard you tried’ etc etc End the meeting, start telling my favourite colleagues that I’ll be leaving and they remove me from all logins and the slack channel. It was a toxic ‘we’re like a family’ workplace so I was planning on quitting just before my holiday next month anyway but to be shunned like this.. wtf

Started work this morning as usual, hating life, when my manager requested a meeting with her and another manager. Sure.

They notified me that as I was still under probation and it’s clear that this isn’t working out from both sides, today will be my last day.. effective immediately.

They were kind and respectful during the meeting with all that bs – ‘please let us know if there’s anything we can do to help you, any references or notice of termination. We’re so grateful for everything you’ve done so far and for how hard you tried’ etc etc

End the meeting, start telling my favourite colleagues that I’ll be leaving and they remove me from all logins and the slack channel.

It was a toxic ‘we’re like a family’ workplace so I was planning on quitting just before my holiday next month anyway but to be shunned like this.. wtf

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