
Cut my thumb at work and needed stitches. Work told me to put a bandaid on it.

I work as a residential house cleaner and earlier this week I had a piece of an appliance fall and cut the outside of my thumb. It was very deep, not extremely painful but my partner said I turned a color I never have before and it didn't stop bleeding after 10 minutes of pressure. My partner called the office to notify them that I needed to go to urgent care and they asked for a picture (of a wound pooling with blood, on a very old Samsung tablet that takes horrible pictures). They told us it didn't look that serious and to put a bandaid on it. I instantly bled through 3 of them and had almost drenched a washcloth by then. My partner insisted they come get me and take me to urgent care. When I was dropped off my boss told me “they'll probably just put a…

I work as a residential house cleaner and earlier this week I had a piece of an appliance fall and cut the outside of my thumb. It was very deep, not extremely painful but my partner said I turned a color I never have before and it didn't stop bleeding after 10 minutes of pressure.

My partner called the office to notify them that I needed to go to urgent care and they asked for a picture (of a wound pooling with blood, on a very old Samsung tablet that takes horrible pictures). They told us it didn't look that serious and to put a bandaid on it. I instantly bled through 3 of them and had almost drenched a washcloth by then.

My partner insisted they come get me and take me to urgent care. When I was dropped off my boss told me “they'll probably just put a butterfly bandaid on it”.

I needed 8 stitches and a tetanus shot.

When I got back to the office they weren't even a little apologetic about not taking it seriously. They just said “it didn't look that bad in the pictures”.

I love my job but this really soured my opinion on them, and all of my coworkers are also in disbelief at their blasé attitude. I've never called about an injury before, I've worked there for over a year and they know I'm not the type to over exaggerate anything.

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