
DAE feel delusional because no one seems to care?

The past few months has seen my anxiety and general disdain for the system skyrocket, especially since I’m again moving out into a place that is unaffordable but is the only option. Because of this I’ve been far more vocal and angry about how the systems works with my family and all their responses seem to be the same. “What can you do?” Or “Maybe you should see a therapist.” All the while everyone in my family is angry about the state of everything too but do all they can do ignore it and keep trotting along. Or maybe they don’t know where to direct their anger or know where it’s coming from. Even when there’s proof that the ruling class is clearly exploiting anyone who isn’t part of their club. EVERYONE knows things are shit but NOBODY knows who to direct their righteous anger at, and because everyone is…

The past few months has seen my anxiety and general disdain for the system skyrocket, especially since I’m again moving out into a place that is unaffordable but is the only option. Because of this I’ve been far more vocal and angry about how the systems works with my family and all their responses seem to be the same. “What can you do?” Or “Maybe you should see a therapist.”

All the while everyone in my family is angry about the state of everything too but do all they can do ignore it and keep trotting along. Or maybe they don’t know where to direct their anger or know where it’s coming from. Even when there’s proof that the ruling class is clearly exploiting anyone who isn’t part of their club. EVERYONE knows things are shit but NOBODY knows who to direct their righteous anger at, and because everyone is angry the ruling class fucking use politics to direct that anger to other lower class individuals. When they know the anger is because of them. Left and the right are angry with the same people but are being pitted against each other to divide the lower classes. What the fuck is this world?

Rant aside, I just wanted to know if anyone else feels like they’re delusional or being gaslit by holding these beliefs?

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