
DAE hate coworkers who just care so much about the job?

I mean, dude, you're not even working for yourself, you're just a pawn in a bigger corporation, you're not even anyone important, why would you fucking care that I'm five minutes late? I'm sick of those people. Their work their ass off in the low paying job thinking they're someone important. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against their professions, it's just why do some people care so much? They try to be the perfect employee and for what? They are disposable and they don't even get it. My philosophy is that if it's not your own company and you just work there you give your bare minimum to keep the job, you can try to get a promotion or sth, but it shouldn't make you an asshole. The people high up don't fucking care about the things you do if it's not making them money so why would…

I mean, dude, you're not even working for yourself, you're just a pawn in a bigger corporation, you're not even anyone important, why would you fucking care that I'm five minutes late?

I'm sick of those people. Their work their ass off in the low paying job thinking they're someone important. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against their professions, it's just why do some people care so much? They try to be the perfect employee and for what? They are disposable and they don't even get it. My philosophy is that if it's not your own company and you just work there you give your bare minimum to keep the job, you can try to get a promotion or sth, but it shouldn't make you an asshole. The people high up don't fucking care about the things you do if it's not making them money so why would you care that someone's late for work if you're not even manager? I don't get it.

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