
DAE have that awful feeling before quitting a job?

As title says, DAE have that awful feeling before quitting a job? I'm moving across the country soon, and finally felt relief in putting in my 2 weeks at an awful franchise company. Hated every step of the way, pay wasn't great. Benefits were supposed to start after 60 days. I just now got the paperwork in the mail to start receiving benefits. And its been a year…. So you can imagine my relief when now, I have just 3 days left of my 2 weeks. But why do I feel so bad? Not a longing to keep working there, or missing my coworkers. It feels like I've lost all motivation. I don't want to go in, I don't want to move off my bed, I don't want to shower and get in a clean work outfit. I just don't wanna do it anymore. DAE get this feeling too? Is…

As title says, DAE have that awful feeling before quitting a job?
I'm moving across the country soon, and finally felt relief in putting in my 2 weeks at an awful franchise company. Hated every step of the way, pay wasn't great. Benefits were supposed to start after 60 days. I just now got the paperwork in the mail to start receiving benefits. And its been a year….
So you can imagine my relief when now, I have just 3 days left of my 2 weeks.
But why do I feel so bad? Not a longing to keep working there, or missing my coworkers. It feels like I've lost all motivation. I don't want to go in, I don't want to move off my bed, I don't want to shower and get in a clean work outfit. I just don't wanna do it anymore.
DAE get this feeling too? Is this loss of motivation going to come back?

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