
Daycare teachers

My wife and I send our children to a corporate owned daycare and we recently found out that they only pay the teachers around $15 an hour which is the same amount that people bagging groceries or pouring coffee get paid in our area! I’m fucking livid about this and I’m wondering if this is common knowledge because my wife and I had no clue. What makes it more infuriating is that since September when we first started sending our kids there, the daycare has had to close early many times and change their hours a few times always citing “staffing shortages”! Well no shit, you’re charging $400-600 per kid per week and paying people who had to get an education to work for you minimum fucking wage and well below a living wage!!! This place is fucking evil because the people working there actually care about the children and…

My wife and I send our children to a corporate owned daycare and we recently found out that they only pay the teachers around $15 an hour which is the same amount that people bagging groceries or pouring coffee get paid in our area! I’m fucking livid about this and I’m wondering if this is common knowledge because my wife and I had no clue. What makes it more infuriating is that since September when we first started sending our kids there, the daycare has had to close early many times and change their hours a few times always citing “staffing shortages”! Well no shit, you’re charging $400-600 per kid per week and paying people who had to get an education to work for you minimum fucking wage and well below a living wage!!! This place is fucking evil because the people working there actually care about the children and the families so they stick around as long as they can but this is fucked up.

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