
Dealing with a toxic boss?

I work part time at an insurance agency and I told my boss I can’t come in because I tested positive with covid, I sent him a picture of the results and I offered to do my work from home and he’s accusing me of faking it and insisting that I go spend $100 on a PCR test to confirm. He is also unwilling to meet me halfway in any way imaginable. He expected me to work a 14 hour shift by surprise the next day and coerced me when I told him I couldn’t do it. Unfortunately I can’t quit right away but is there any solution I can use in the meantime?

I work part time at an insurance agency and I told my boss I can’t come in because I tested positive with covid, I sent him a picture of the results and I offered to do my work from home and he’s accusing me of faking it and insisting that I go spend $100 on a PCR test to confirm.

He is also unwilling to meet me halfway in any way imaginable. He expected me to work a 14 hour shift by surprise the next day and coerced me when I told him I couldn’t do it.

Unfortunately I can’t quit right away but is there any solution I can use in the meantime?

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