
Dealing with a Toxic boss for 2 years – Paid off

I work for a fortune 200 company that has a large corporate structure. 2 years ago they brought in a new boss and let me tell you that from day one I felt like a target. Called out in front of peers, demeaned, yelled at, sent home once, etc. It was the closest I've ever came to quitting. After about 6 months though I went to him, face to face and brought my problems to him. To be honest it was one of the most humbling experiences I ever had. ” You are really good at your job, you are smart, you make quick decisions and have no problem owning them when they blow up in your face. Here's the problem. You know it, you know you're smarter than everyone in the room. This is blinding you to the minor faults you have that people higher up notice. I'm so…

I work for a fortune 200 company that has a large corporate structure. 2 years ago they brought in a new boss and let me tell you that from day one I felt like a target. Called out in front of peers, demeaned, yelled at, sent home once, etc. It was the closest I've ever came to quitting. After about 6 months though I went to him, face to face and brought my problems to him. To be honest it was one of the most humbling experiences I ever had. ” You are really good at your job, you are smart, you make quick decisions and have no problem owning them when they blow up in your face. Here's the problem. You know it, you know you're smarter than everyone in the room. This is blinding you to the minor faults you have that people higher up notice. I'm so hard on you because I see you coming up to my level very soon. These people will nit pick you into oblivion, and I want you ready.”

While at the time I was pissed, it took me 2 weeks to realize what he was saying, he started to lean off of me and I became the go to guy for everything important. I understand that people hate toxic bosses, and mine wasn't the best either. However some of them aren't out to get you, its not personal. 1.5 years later, I make more now than most do in 30 years of service and he's a great asset to have when I have questions.

You may not want to, and in most instances I totally agree, but sometimes….. they aren't out for you.

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