
Dealing with recruiters in the UK..

​ For context.. recently started looking for jobs, not really in a rush to leave where I am so I'm being fussy.. but come on.. its a job seekers market currently specifically for what I do there's a shortage. I'm not in a position where I 'need' work so I'm sort of tired of jumping through hopes for external recruitment companies. ​ Every time I deal with an external company recruiting for somebody its a pain.. they wont tell me the wage, they ask what wage I'm currently on, they've not read my CV properly and tell me about myself with inaccuracies then they give me some lack lustre sales pitch barely fit for a pyramid scheme, sometimes they wont even tell me who the company is until I've been 'shortlisted'. ​ I interviewed for a company recently that uses their own talent acquisition team and it was a…

For context.. recently started looking for jobs, not really in a rush to leave where I am so I'm being fussy.. but come on.. its a job seekers market currently specifically for what I do there's a shortage. I'm not in a position where I 'need' work so I'm sort of tired of jumping through hopes for external recruitment companies.

Every time I deal with an external company recruiting for somebody its a pain.. they wont tell me the wage, they ask what wage I'm currently on, they've not read my CV properly and tell me about myself with inaccuracies then they give me some lack lustre sales pitch barely fit for a pyramid scheme, sometimes they wont even tell me who the company is until I've been 'shortlisted'.

I interviewed for a company recently that uses their own talent acquisition team and it was a breathe of fresh air, they were fantastic, very helpful and keeping me updated constantly.

On a side note.. how do you properly answer them when they ask “What is your salary expectation?” Because my answer of “As much as I can get” seems to leave them confused.. I don't know why.

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