
Debating on giving a 2 weeks to my current job (or just turning in my work phone and quitting immediately)

I work at a grocery/department store and it’s honestly not worth $12/hr. Sure I get ppto and pto occasionally, but my schedule as a closer (and the only closer at that) from 3pm to 12pm is pure agony. I have an interview for a new job on Tuesday, I go back to school in a few weeks, and I’m going to follow up with a job tomorrow, that makes 16+/hr. I am constantly berated by customers can’t comprehend why one worker can’t accommodate multiple people feet away, and threaten to attack me or report me to management (who hide until the store closes then come out like roaches) and I’ve seen so many people come and go, you would think I’m a revolving door. We literally hired 4 people on Monday and none have shown up past two days. They even gave a newbie a better schedule and she still…

I work at a grocery/department store and it’s honestly not worth $12/hr. Sure I get ppto and pto occasionally, but my schedule as a closer (and the only closer at that) from 3pm to 12pm is pure agony. I have an interview for a new job on Tuesday, I go back to school in a few weeks, and I’m going to follow up with a job tomorrow, that makes 16+/hr. I am constantly berated by customers can’t comprehend why one worker can’t accommodate multiple people feet away, and threaten to attack me or report me to management (who hide until the store closes then come out like roaches) and I’ve seen so many people come and go, you would think I’m a revolving door. We literally hired 4 people on Monday and none have shown up past two days. They even gave a newbie a better schedule and she still didn’t show up for the third day. I also have to pay half of my check to Lyfts because I work on the bad side of town and I wouldn’t be caught dead walking there just to be sexually harassed by the men who already do that when I am at work (and my job somehow doesn’t see it yet they constantly claim to watch cameras). I may be getting long winded but my point is, I know that I’m going to quit eventually but should I take the high road and give a two weeks or turn in my phone tomorrow morning and never have to experience stepping in that anxiety incubator ever again

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