
Debt: The Drug of our Society

If you want to hook somebody in for life, what is the best way to go about it? Make them indebted to you, for life. From the earliest days we are exposed to credit, a piece of plastic or an app that let's you buy things and pay layer. Then, when you are off to college, a simple loan process let's you borrow tens of thousands of dollars. Once you need a car, sign on the dotted line and drive out your new vehicle. Why are you paying rent? Just sign here and you are now a proud owner of a house. Unless you are a trust fund baby, these are pretty much your choices to “live” in the modern world. You will be owned by whomever, and whatever, you sign up for. Then, you will work whatever job, for whatever pay you can get, weather you like it or…

If you want to hook somebody in for life, what is the best way to go about it? Make them indebted to you, for life.

From the earliest days we are exposed to credit, a piece of plastic or an app that let's you buy things and pay layer. Then, when you are off to college, a simple loan process let's you borrow tens of thousands of dollars. Once you need a car, sign on the dotted line and drive out your new vehicle. Why are you paying rent? Just sign here and you are now a proud owner of a house.

Unless you are a trust fund baby, these are pretty much your choices to “live” in the modern world. You will be owned by whomever, and whatever, you sign up for. Then, you will work whatever job, for whatever pay you can get, weather you like it or not, to pay this back. While you keep telling yourself one day you will be “free” to move on.

But for most, that freedom will never come. Kids are born, jobs are lost, you get sick, the car breaks down, your parents and siblings need help. Don't worry you can keep signing up to take care of these problems as well, until you can't.

Meanwhile the “owners” will simply sit back, keep the credit flowing and enjoy the good life.

Debt, coming to a town near you!

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