
Decided to Quit my Job

This isn't exactly anti work but I am in a hob that I absolutely detest. Six minths ago I got hired at this manufacturing plant as per recommendation from the school administrator at my college. The location is quite far from my home, is located in a filthy industrial area surrounded by a dangerous chemical plant, a garbage dump, and a recycling plant. The area just stinks and walking through that area you risk bring creamed by large, fast-moving garbage trucks. The job itself is in a manufacturing plant that makes metal shelving. Sounds cool, doesn't it? I work in the offices where I sit behind a computer screen all day. The hours are long, 8am-5pm which isn't bad…except that I gave to commute 2 hours each way. That makes for a 13-hour day. The atmosphere is stale, quiet, and everybody constantly seems to walk on eggshells. Almost nobody talks…

This isn't exactly anti work but I am in a hob that I absolutely detest. Six minths ago I got hired at this manufacturing plant as per recommendation from the school administrator at my college. The location is quite far from my home, is located in a filthy industrial area surrounded by a dangerous chemical plant, a garbage dump, and a recycling plant. The area just stinks and walking through that area you risk bring creamed by large, fast-moving garbage trucks.

The job itself is in a manufacturing plant that makes metal shelving. Sounds cool, doesn't it? I work in the offices where I sit behind a computer screen all day. The hours are long, 8am-5pm which isn't bad…except that I gave to commute 2 hours each way. That makes for a 13-hour day.

The atmosphere is stale, quiet, and everybody constantly seems to walk on eggshells. Almost nobody talks and my supervisors are always afraid that upper management is eaves dropping on them. Upper management is actually very nice to me but judging by how everyone is acting, that could one day change.

The worst part is that today, I had to enter data in the system. That took half an hour. Yesterday I printed 3 sheets of paper and put them in an envelope. That took a total of 5 minutes. The rest of the time I was bored with nothing to do but surf the net. Sounds like a dream job to some people but try doing that 5 days a week. It's pure torture. I don't feel valued. When I caught covid I had to isolate and was away for 2 weeks. The place ran totally fine without me.

A couple months back I was offered a chance to teach college courses part time. My work would have had to make amendments and let me leave an hour early. Instead, they said 'no way, you're needed here'. WTF…I'm literally bored with nothing to do. I come to work to WORK and not sit on the computer playing Solitaire. This job is going nowhere and everybody seems fucking miserable.

So I'm giving my notice on Friday. It will be a grueling 2 weeks and I'll likely get resentment from everyone as we keep losing staff…they keep quitting.

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