
Denied Getting Time Off For EKG

I finally have something to post here! Guess that’s not a good thing… I work for the state as an assistant two counselors. It’s supposed to be one assistant for every two counselors… I’m the only assistant for 6 counselors and it’s been this way since March. Work is overwhelming. My life is… crappy. Boyfriend passed away and his family has been a nightmare (see post history if you want details). Last week, I got served because now they’re suing me. So life is overwhelming. They hired two new assistants and they have bombarded me with stupid questions every day. I do NOT mean work questions, stupid questions like… they found a random key in the desk and wants to know where it goes and even after I say “I don’t know” it’s been the topic for dayyyysssss. Or where the lotion came from or a random gnome they found.…

I finally have something to post here! Guess that’s not a good thing…

I work for the state as an assistant two counselors. It’s supposed to be one assistant for every two counselors… I’m the only assistant for 6 counselors and it’s been this way since March. Work is overwhelming.

My life is… crappy. Boyfriend passed away and his family has been a nightmare (see post history if you want details). Last week, I got served because now they’re suing me. So life is overwhelming.

They hired two new assistants and they have bombarded me with stupid questions every day. I do NOT mean work questions, stupid questions like… they found a random key in the desk and wants to know where it goes and even after I say “I don’t know” it’s been the topic for dayyyysssss. Or where the lotion came from or a random gnome they found. And they’re moving stuff around the office to the point that when I go looking for stuff for my job, all the stuff is gone. On Monday, after they had moved this super important binder filled with information that I handle for the manager, I went home and either had a horrible horrible anxiety attack or a heart attack. My doctor wants me to go get an EKG to see what happened/if my heart is damaged.

My assistant manager has always told me “if you need help, let me know”. So I go tell him today that I need the new girls to ask someone else if they have a non-work related question because I can’t do my job and get constantly interrupted with stupid questions. I told him about the attack on Monday and the need for testing. He told me to deal with it and that there was no one else. I said that there were other assistants in other offices and he said no. I asked him that I needed some time to go get the EKG done and he said I need to schedule it next week because there is no one to cover for me.

So here I sit: not getting any help and being denied time to get a needed medical procedure.

Jobs don’t care they say they do, they don’t.

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