
Did anyone watch Spiderhead? It was reminiscent of a lot of jobs I had in the past.

(Spoilers) If you didn’t see the movie yet maybe don’t read this in case I spoil it. The part where Dr. Abnesti is pressuring the guy to acknowledge is almost word for word one of my old bosses. “Who went to the mainland and picked up your prescription?”. I’ve had a lot of jobs use this tactic on me but usually way more subtle. My old coffee shop boss in used to try to pressure me to stay late and work extra shifts and extra time if people called out, or just if they needed more bodies. He was so annoying about it too “All I do for you guys? This is how you treat me? Remember the time I did ___”. I used to say yes in the beginning but after a while I was like fuck no! I already came an hour earlier, I have school and another…

(Spoilers) If you didn’t see the movie yet maybe don’t read this in case I spoil it.

The part where Dr. Abnesti is pressuring the guy to acknowledge is almost word for word one of my old bosses. “Who went to the mainland and picked up your prescription?”.

I’ve had a lot of jobs use this tactic on me but usually way more subtle. My old coffee shop boss in used to try to pressure me to stay late and work extra shifts and extra time if people called out, or just if they needed more bodies. He was so annoying about it too “All I do for you guys? This is how you treat me? Remember the time I did ___”. I used to say yes in the beginning but after a while I was like fuck no! I already came an hour earlier, I have school and another job and a life. Also in the movie The doctor pretended to call the protocol panel. My manager used to walk in the back and pretend he was on the phone with the DM or calling doctors so confirm sick notes or anything. He would just come in the back and talk no no one and hang up, or worse his phone was dead.

I’ve had other jobs do the same thing but never as blatant as him. It’s pretty funny looking back because he was so ridiculous. Anyways, I’m wondering if anyone else made that connection while watching the movie. I wish I knew how to make memes or tiktoks because that scene would be perfect a perfect toxic boss scenario.

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