
Did my boss mean me?

Hello, I just started a new job as a graphic designer (less than a month) and my boss and I were in a meeting with a client via zoom, my supervisor and I were supposed to present together but my supervisor was out sick, and we had to present the work without her. Thankfully the client picked a design (hers) and afterwards my boss and I sat together alone and I apologized for not sticking to the briefing, he was gracious and polite throughout the conversation, then we started talking about other things and I said something along the lines of “I heard you’re really great at picking who you hire and finding the right placement for each person etc…” He said that he’s wrong a lot, and out of every four, one works where he’s right about someone, the rest are usually disappointing, I immediately took it as a…

Hello, I just started a new job as a graphic designer (less than a month) and my boss and I were in a meeting with a client via zoom, my supervisor and I were supposed to present together but my supervisor was out sick, and we had to present the work without her. Thankfully the client picked a design (hers) and afterwards my boss and I sat together alone and I apologized for not sticking to the briefing, he was gracious and polite throughout the conversation, then we started talking about other things and I said something along the lines of “I heard you’re really great at picking who you hire and finding the right placement for each person etc…”
He said that he’s wrong a lot, and out of every four, one works where he’s right about someone, the rest are usually disappointing, I immediately took it as a dig and I felt really bad and started to get anxious because of everything I was messing up that day, not just with the briefing but also couldn’t send the right link to the client for the meeting and a co worker had to come in and help me and I felt so embarrassed and inexperienced. I was so nervous the entire time and so was my boss.

For context this client work was assigned to me, but I really flunked it and my supervisor had to come in and kind of mend it for me, and although my supervisor said that this happens all the time and we always help each other out because clients can be unpredictable, I still feel really bad because I wanted to bring something creative to the client and didn’t stick to the briefing.

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