
Did my friend got sexually harassed?

My friend (21M straight) told me that at work today, a guy (gay) that he's getting friends with just straight up said that he wants to see my friends penis, like out of the blue and shit. My wife is also friends with this guy and he told her that he has a crush on my friend. I honestly was shocked for a second when he told me this but he played it off like it was nothing. I came here to ask if you guys think this is a big deal or not, cause im honestly finding it so fucked up im a thousand ways.

My friend (21M straight) told me that at work today, a guy (gay) that he's getting friends with just straight up said that he wants to see my friends penis, like out of the blue and shit. My wife is also friends with this guy and he told her that he has a crush on my friend. I honestly was shocked for a second when he told me this but he played it off like it was nothing. I came here to ask if you guys think this is a big deal or not, cause im honestly finding it so fucked up im a thousand ways.

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