
Did my work just bribe me?

Background: I quit my job almost 3 weeks ago due to a conflict with my boss regarding several things, but mainly WFH benefits that are only for some employees, COVID protocols that weren't informed and the fact that communication is complete shit at my job. If you want to read more you can check my posting history. I'm not in the US and have 12 weeks notice so my final day of work is June 28th. So i learned that I was not allowed to come to the annual work trip with casual fun and free dinner. Because of COVID we haven't had a trip for 2,5 years so this time everyone has been looking forward to it. My boss called me into her office saying that she didn't want me to come because she “has a trust issue” with me. I asked her why and she didn't have an…

Background: I quit my job almost 3 weeks ago due to a conflict with my boss regarding several things, but mainly WFH benefits that are only for some employees, COVID protocols that weren't informed and the fact that communication is complete shit at my job. If you want to read more you can check my posting history. I'm not in the US and have 12 weeks notice so my final day of work is June 28th.

So i learned that I was not allowed to come to the annual work trip with casual fun and free dinner. Because of COVID we haven't had a trip for 2,5 years so this time everyone has been looking forward to it. My boss called me into her office saying that she didn't want me to come because she “has a trust issue” with me. I asked her why and she didn't have an answer. I got angry and demanded an explanation but she just stayed silent a d i left.

I contacted my union and they helped me write an email to my CEO where I wrote about all the criticism I had against my boss and that she now wanted to exclude me from the trip (i was the only one left out). According to my union this is bullying and after going back and forth since yesterday the CEO offered me full pay for the remaining 8 weeks if I quit right on the very spot.

I have accepted the offer but I'm pretty surprised and confused that this issue was such a big deal to them. They have not one person left doing my job at work and there's 3 positions that need to be filled so why i was just let go with pay is very strange. I'm happy but as i said, confused and a bit suspicious.

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