
Disabled in the Workplace

There's something I've noticed. Every workplace likes to say they are friendly to people with disabilities,but that isn't true. I am on the spectrum and worked at a pizza place. I answered phones and the bosses daughter was on my constantly for tone, which I as either too low or too high. Voice tone is hard for me. I went back and forth about disclosing my diagnosis, but I went for it because I thought it would get me more understanding. Nope. Doubled down on the bullying, even included my hairstyle and my face turning red randomly because of rosacea, which I can't help. It got to the point where I dreaded going to work. They'd take me to task for going to doctors appointments I needed to manage my chronic conditions, and they used my plantar fasciitis in my foot as an excuse to bump me down to one…

There's something I've noticed. Every workplace likes to say they are friendly to people with disabilities,but that isn't true. I am on the spectrum and worked at a pizza place. I answered phones and the bosses daughter was on my constantly for tone, which I as either too low or too high. Voice tone is hard for me. I went back and forth about disclosing my diagnosis, but I went for it because I thought it would get me more understanding. Nope. Doubled down on the bullying, even included my hairstyle and my face turning red randomly because of rosacea, which I can't help. It got to the point where I dreaded going to work. They'd take me to task for going to doctors appointments I needed to manage my chronic conditions, and they used my plantar fasciitis in my foot as an excuse to bump me down to one day of work only. No one can survive on that, so I quit. I believe they wanted me gone since I disclosed being on the spectrum. The work world is cruel to those who are.

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