
Discuss your salaries!!

I quit my job a few weeks ago to go freelance, but in talking to an ex colleague I used to manage I discovered we had the same salary (salaries were secret and only discussed with my boss). So for the past 12 months while I deflected crap, did all the team management, worked longer hours thank him etc he got the same salary. Massively unfair but I’ve left now so nowt to be done, but heed the warning! Edit for clarity

I quit my job a few weeks ago to go freelance, but in talking to an ex colleague I used to manage I discovered we had the same salary (salaries were secret and only discussed with my boss). So for the past 12 months while I deflected crap, did all the team management, worked longer hours thank him etc he got the same salary. Massively unfair but I’ve left now so nowt to be done, but heed the warning!

Edit for clarity

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