
Disrespect from boss

Today I had a presentation in front of 4 people online. I have done these before, one went terribly and two went pretty well. I’ve been at the company for 3 months. Well today I was a bit flustered and my boss kept correcting me on little parts of just the second slide. I can take criticism pretty well (since I’m new), but he starts to cut me off mid-sentence, interrupting me after just a few words. At this point I’m fumbling and can’t get my head straight because of what he’s doing. He abruptly ends the presentation and says we’ll do it again on Monday after maybe 8 minutes in. I was extremely hurt by this since I’d been preparing for it. I called him later to tell him I found it very disrespectful that he did that to me in front of everyone. He of course got very…

Today I had a presentation in front of 4 people online. I have done these before, one went terribly and two went pretty well. I’ve been at the company for 3 months.

Well today I was a bit flustered and my boss kept correcting me on little parts of just the second slide. I can take criticism pretty well (since I’m new), but he starts to cut me off mid-sentence, interrupting me after just a few words. At this point I’m fumbling and can’t get my head straight because of what he’s doing.

He abruptly ends the presentation and says we’ll do it again on Monday after maybe 8 minutes in. I was extremely hurt by this since I’d been preparing for it. I called him later to tell him I found it very disrespectful that he did that to me in front of everyone. He of course got very defensive but said he’d try to be better. He said he was frustrated at me for not “preparing” hard enough every though I did prepare.


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