
Dissolving reproductive rights is a deliberate attempt to breed the poor for work

Today reproductive rights were dissolved. Let's be clear, abortions will still happen and the rich will still have access. It will be the poor that suffer and die from illegal abortions.Please read the response by Justice Clarence Thomas. He makes it very clear they are coming after gay marriage and access to contraception next. Trump placed these people into the supreme court for exactly this reason. Trump and the other wolves shield themselves with religion but it has nothing to do with religion. It has everything to do with suppression of the poor. Like I said before, the rich have always had access to abortions, it's the poor that died or reproduced under duress. What the captains of capitalism desire is white supremacy and the subjugation of women, the poor and minorities. What they need is to breed more poverty and people. They need an abundance of desperately poor people…

Today reproductive rights were dissolved. Let's be clear, abortions will still happen and the rich will still have access. It will be the poor that suffer and die from illegal abortions.Please read the response by Justice Clarence Thomas. He makes it very clear they are coming after gay marriage and access to contraception next. Trump placed these people into the supreme court for exactly this reason.

Trump and the other wolves shield themselves with religion but it has nothing to do with religion. It has everything to do with suppression of the poor. Like I said before, the rich have always had access to abortions, it's the poor that died or reproduced under duress. What the captains of capitalism desire is white supremacy and the subjugation of women, the poor and minorities. What they need is to breed more poverty and people. They need an abundance of desperately poor people to work for slave wages to fuel their riches. America has nearly used up China, India and other nations and now they have their eyes on the American poor.

I think it's time for another revolution?

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