
Do employers actually want to hire people?

This is honestly truly bizarre to me. I have been looking for a new job for 6 months. I have submitted between 30 and 50 applications. I have not gotten a single interview. Only about 10 of those have I gotten an actual rejection notice. That leaves over 20 applications that I've done that have provided no communication at all. I have two main skillsets: Software/hardware/IoT development, and cyber security. I have a degree, but not in either of those things, so I taught myself everything I know. I honestly do not know what I'm doing wrong. I have had 10+ people I trust review my resume. I know I was not a perfect fit for every job I applied for, but there were two where I fit the description of what they wanted perfectly. It was the perfect mix of what my degree is actually in, and the software…

This is honestly truly bizarre to me. I have been looking for a new job for 6 months. I have submitted between 30 and 50 applications. I have not gotten a single interview. Only about 10 of those have I gotten an actual rejection notice. That leaves over 20 applications that I've done that have provided no communication at all. I have two main skillsets: Software/hardware/IoT development, and cyber security. I have a degree, but not in either of those things, so I taught myself everything I know.

I honestly do not know what I'm doing wrong. I have had 10+ people I trust review my resume. I know I was not a perfect fit for every job I applied for, but there were two where I fit the description of what they wanted perfectly. It was the perfect mix of what my degree is actually in, and the software dev experience I have. Is it me? Are there just so many other applicants that I am just getting lost in the mix?

I am so sick of filling out applications. I am criminally underpaid in my current job. Accepting my current job has been a massive mistake, much like every other career decision I've made. (Wrong major, wrong second major, horrible first job, less horrible second one, and now the one I'm in now.

I am so tired. What in the fuck do these employers want?

Edit: The best part: each day, I have about 1 recruiter each day in my LinkedIn DM's trying to get me to apply for a senior role, despite me having minimal professional experience.

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