
Do I chase job satisfaction or money?

I know this isn’t really the right spot to be posting this but man I love this sub and want to hear all your opinions on this. I’ve recently had 2 job interviews which went really well, from 2 very different industries, with a significant pay difference. Looking for a bit of advice about which way to go. I should also say I haven’t got a definite offer from either yet, but it’s stressing me out nonetheless. Bit of a background about me, I’m 23, Mechanical Fitter currently working in my trade. Single, no kids, no debt besides my trade support loan. Currently rent a room in a house my friend owns. Not really struggling but wouldn’t say I’m getting ahead too quickly. Job 1: Project Firefighter for SA National parks. Local job, when not firefighting the crew is doing park maintenance and land clearing. Got a best mate who…

I know this isn’t really the right spot to be posting this but man I love this sub and want to hear all your opinions on this.

I’ve recently had 2 job interviews which went really well, from 2 very different industries, with a significant pay difference. Looking for a bit of advice about which way to go. I should also say I haven’t got a definite offer from either yet, but it’s stressing me out nonetheless.

Bit of a background about me, I’m 23, Mechanical Fitter currently working in my trade. Single, no kids, no debt besides my trade support loan. Currently rent a room in a house my friend owns. Not really struggling but wouldn’t say I’m getting ahead too quickly.

Job 1: Project Firefighter for SA National parks. Local job, when not firefighting the crew is doing park maintenance and land clearing. Got a best mate who does it and from what I can tell, I feel like I’d really enjoy the job. I’m an outdoor/adventurous type.
The pay is roughly the same as what I’m getting now (Roughly 53k a year) if not a little bit more. Full time contract position, but only work 9 months of the year. 7.5 hour days when not firefighting. Still get all annual leave and sick leave as well as other benefits.

Job 2: Continue my trade in the mines as an underground fitter. 2:2 Roster, essentially 120k for 6 months worth of work. Also technically full time with annual leave, sick leave and a lot more benefits. Although 12 Hour days and fairly harsh conditions. Wouldn’t say I get any major job satisfaction in my trade, but it’s alright I guess. Main appeal towards it on top of the pay is the time off.

Just looking for any advice from anyone who’s faced a similar decision between job satisfaction vs money. And also in regards to the current financial situation in Australia, with everything starting to cost an arm and a leg (I spoiled myself with a $5 capsicum last night).

TL;DR, do I chase an enjoyable job or a high paying job?

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