
Do I even take a job if they offer??

Quick background. I work for a city, and applied for a slightly better job at the state level. (Project manager) I applied with a decent resume, but they are looking for a unicorn. Got an interview offer two days after applying, had a good interview and left fairly confident. Also, took time off for interview because they only had certain availability. Today marks 4 weeks exactly since the interview and no news, I reached out ten days ago and asked if they wanted any more info and if they had a timetable in mind for a decision. The contact I have said they would ask HR……..nothing…….. should I even take the job if they offer?? Or are they total flakes??

Quick background. I work for a city, and applied for a slightly better job at the state level. (Project manager) I applied with a decent resume, but they are looking for a unicorn. Got an interview offer two days after applying, had a good interview and left fairly confident. Also, took time off for interview because they only had certain availability. Today marks 4 weeks exactly since the interview and no news, I reached out ten days ago and asked if they wanted any more info and if they had a timetable in mind for a decision. The contact I have said they would ask HR……..nothing…….. should I even take the job if they offer?? Or are they total flakes??

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