
Do I have to do work leading up to the last day of my lay off?

I was informed last Wednesday that my department is being laid off effective this coming Friday. I work in a tech industry as a hybrid role of wfh and in office. They told us that we have to be in office this entire last week cleaning up and prepping stuff to be sold. No where in my job description does it say in a cleaning person or a mover. With that said do I have to help them clean the office out and shit like that? I fucking hate this place and am now without a job so why should I clean up shit for them? We have a severance package and my boss told us to cheat this clock and take everything we can from them. I don’t see a point in keeping upper management happy when they just fucked my life up so why should I help do…

I was informed last Wednesday that my department is being laid off effective this coming Friday. I work in a tech industry as a hybrid role of wfh and in office. They told us that we have to be in office this entire last week cleaning up and prepping stuff to be sold. No where in my job description does it say in a cleaning person or a mover.

With that said do I have to help them clean the office out and shit like that? I fucking hate this place and am now without a job so why should I clean up shit for them? We have a severance package and my boss told us to cheat this clock and take everything we can from them. I don’t see a point in keeping upper management happy when they just fucked my life up so why should I help do anything.

I dont know what the repercussions of that could be tho I’ve tried looking it up and didn’t find much. If I refuse to clean up the office can the take away my severance or fire me? It just all seems so pointless snd a waste of my time and energy. Right now I feel like a horse with a carrot in front of me and the carrot is my final paycheck and severance. Any help is appreciated.

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