
Do me and my other early 2000’s young adults have a chance?

You can’t get an apartment anywhere remotely decent or at all on the minimum wage that’s currently in place ($7.25 USD where I live), and unions are being busted left and right. I ran some numbers with the $12/hr I was making at my previous job and there was no way anyone could live on it, and I doubt it would be much better at $20-25/hr. Is there any hope for us, or will we be eating one meal a day in a 100 square foot apartment for the next 60-80 years until we die.

You can’t get an apartment anywhere remotely decent or at all on the minimum wage that’s currently in place ($7.25 USD where I live), and unions are being busted left and right. I ran some numbers with the $12/hr I was making at my previous job and there was no way anyone could live on it, and I doubt it would be much better at $20-25/hr. Is there any hope for us, or will we be eating one meal a day in a 100 square foot apartment for the next 60-80 years until we die.

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