
Do not go gentil in that good night rage rage until the dying of the light

I am in a good position and I earn way more then normal (in germany). I get 80k per year and now my pair programmer partner too. We work in this company for around 4 years and the job we do normally gets paid 65k. But we are special. Both forgneirs, and both have special add's on… we are both special.. There was a change of commands in our company, we got sold to a big very old media company. and a lot of people who were in charge quit. Very important programmers quited… but we didnt care for we got paid still more then we would get paid anywhere else in germany… After years and years (4)of trying to get a better pay, we now know the results. My pair programmer partner now gets the same money as I do, which I think is great and I am really…

I am in a good position and I earn way more then normal (in germany). I get 80k per year and now my pair programmer partner too. We work in this company for around 4 years and the job we do normally gets paid 65k. But we are special. Both forgneirs, and both have special add's on… we are both special..
There was a change of commands in our company, we got sold to a big very old media company. and a lot of people who were in charge quit.
Very important programmers quited… but we didnt care for we got paid still more then we would get paid anywhere else in germany…
After years and years (4)of trying to get a better pay, we now know the results. My pair programmer partner now gets the same money as I do, which I think is great and I am really happy for him. But I get nothing more and stay at the same payrate.
Which is normally ok but wait, I wanted to have more money too… whatever amount, anything would do… 100 or even 20 euros per month would do, just to say I am cool and you are doing great too. …

I was freelancer for 22 years and earnd 140k a year, but I wanted peace and secruty and health securment so I agreed to 80k…my wife jumped in the air for so manytimes…

But now I am thinking to get up to getting me and my pair programmer partner to somewere else and perhaps even more people to get to a new company… my pair programmer partner agrees and says as long as we work together and get more money I am in….. I knew this before and said this to our newly positioned chef… he then replied with oooh ok I really need to discuss that and want a new merting next week (I have a meeting with him once a month)

My pair programmer partner is 32 and I am almost 50, we are a super unit. My partner types and I suggest other alternatives and am way better in maths, on the other side he is the better programmer…its f*** amazing what we do together and we both are aware of being pairprogrammers and kicking really cool shit togeter.. we are the innovators …

We want to stay together, we both agree

We really have a great job at the moment but I think its better to set a statement to the company and offer us as a team to other companies and both get an anual pay above 80k….. in the usa I think we would get between 100k and 400k, but we are here with family in germany

I think we are in a very spezial position and I doubt that other companies value this huge cost for 2 people doing basicly what one could do too but hey……

What do you think?

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