
Do you ever wish you were rich, but not for the reason to live a lavish life, but just to live comfortably and have essentials?

You see people who are rich, famous, maybe even both. You see them drive luxury cars, live in mansions, wear jewelry that costs as much as the average persons yearly salary. But do you ever think “I wish I had their life” and not so you can have a Ferrari, but a reliable car. Not have a mansion, but something other than an overpriced cramped apartment. I just find it crazy that if you were to ask someone “if you had a million dollars what would you buy first?” and quite honestly some of the answers would be medical related, maybe dental, maybe buy a reliable car, maybe buy health insurance, maybe a small house, pay off debt etc. My other point is, does no one find this completely insane that people don’t have big dreams and just want to live without being miserable?

You see people who are rich, famous, maybe even both. You see them drive luxury cars, live in mansions, wear jewelry that costs as much as the average persons yearly salary. But do you ever think “I wish I had their life” and not so you can have a Ferrari, but a reliable car. Not have a mansion, but something other than an overpriced cramped apartment. I just find it crazy that if you were to ask someone “if you had a million dollars what would you buy first?” and quite honestly some of the answers would be medical related, maybe dental, maybe buy a reliable car, maybe buy health insurance, maybe a small house, pay off debt etc. My other point is, does no one find this completely insane that people don’t have big dreams and just want to live without being miserable?

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