
Do you have to pay for parking at work? If so, how much?

I have to pay around $90 a month to park at work in a major US city (I make around 30K per year so this is a substantial expense for me). Unfortunately the public transportation infrastructure is very limited -there are only a few bus lines, the buses are never on time and come infrequently. Roads surrounding work do not have bike lanes and I’m afraid of getting run over on heavily trafficked roads. No trains or subways. Because of that everybody is basically forced to pay for parking, and they know this so they charge whatever they want. IMO paying for parking at work is a tax on showing up for work. Anybody else in the same boat?

I have to pay around $90 a month to park at work in a major US city (I make around 30K per year so this is a substantial expense for me). Unfortunately the public transportation infrastructure is very limited -there are only a few bus lines, the buses are never on time and come infrequently. Roads surrounding work do not have bike lanes and I’m afraid of getting run over on heavily trafficked roads. No trains or subways. Because of that everybody is basically forced to pay for parking, and they know this so they charge whatever they want. IMO paying for parking at work is a tax on showing up for work. Anybody else in the same boat?

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