
Doctor just earning the ‘living wage’

New doctor here. Just a bit of a rant but I’m sick of how my country treats doctors. My base pay starting august will be just under £12 an hour before tax… how?! Why do we work ourselves into the ground after years of education and debt, risk people taking us to court etc for less pay then I got as a student working in a shop. Why did nobody tell 17 year old me applying to medical school it would be this bad. I was always under the impression doctors were at least comfortable, if not good earners. Not to mention the poor working conditions Wish adults were more truthful to teens so they can make a more informed decision

New doctor here. Just a bit of a rant but I’m sick of how my country treats doctors. My base pay starting august will be just under £12 an hour before tax… how?!

Why do we work ourselves into the ground after years of education and debt, risk people taking us to court etc for less pay then I got as a student working in a shop. Why did nobody tell 17 year old me applying to medical school it would be this bad. I was always under the impression doctors were at least comfortable, if not good earners.

Not to mention the poor working conditions

Wish adults were more truthful to teens so they can make a more informed decision

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