Why do we work? At first, the answer seems so simple. We work so we can eat, sleep in a house, or go places. Or maybe it's just something you're “supposed” to do, (forced to do?) like paying taxes? Maybe working isn't really a concern at all because you've never actually appreciated the value of a dollar? Maybe, just maybe you're not meant to be in the workforce at all? Maybe you're supposed to just be at home, watch tv, and hang out? Maybe you got some talent or something just aching to get out, like ice sculpting, or some other beautiful, but utterly useless, talent. (Well, in my definition of usefulness anyways.) Like those people who flip signs so well it's like watching a circus performance. Can't tell what direction the store is in, or what they're promoting, but talk about a distraction while trying not to run people over or get in a crash. So why work? Why deal with numbers, people, inventory, warehouses, loss, gain, ledgers or complying with all OSHA laws or whatever else comes along with actual work? Why? Look, you work for a purpose. Your purpose isn't to work. Somehow, someway you were told that with a higher (better?) education you could get a really good job making lots of money. Then you find out every fucking body else is doing the same fucking thing! Now it's a competition and you undercut yourself, take bullshit pay, or agree to fucked up conditions all because of what? Why stay up reading till the back of your eye balls hurt, your head feels numb, and your so pissed off you had to reread that fucking page again because it didn't make sense, or you mentally drifted away. Why test yourself before a test? Why bug people to quiz you just so you feel confident you know your stuff? All to get that money making dream job, just to have someone who cheats during tests, be related to the owner, have a parent employed by the state, or how about something lame like just better looking than you, get the job? So why work? It's crazy thinking there are people out there who put in all they had into studying, perfected it to exclude all distractions, get the best job and be rich but completely miserable. Don't know how to act and be self centered and dismissive. Yet these people make laws and rules for everyone else to live by. It's like having a rape victim run an all men's home. Mind boggling to put it in that light but feel me out here. I've been all over the place. I've been to great big homes out in the hills with glass walls and swimming pools in the front lawn to, homeless shelters, I've worked in landfills, to working in a lab, I've held signs, to operating heavy equipment. In all I've acquired I wanted to learn. I wanted to have skills I could pass on. No job I ever had was important or necessary. Why? Because nobody depended on me. No kids, no wife, and my motto back then was ” if you're going to struggle in life, might as well travel”. Being male, having an aggressive attitude and adaptability made my life choice easy. It wasn't till I had my son that I really took work seriously. Had to reflect on all my skills and past work history to get an understanding of what kind of work fit me and my personality. Being that I've worked with both rich (in a humble kind of rich) and poor, worked for bosses that gave a shit and supervisors that didn't, worked with a team and on my own, and when it comes down to it, PEOPLE SUCK! The work isn't the problem. It's the people and the purpose they have for working in the first place. Call it focus, or dedication, or drive whatever reason you want but without a purpose the job will never be fulfilling. You'd find distraction because you DON'T WANT TO BE THERE! So in short..if you don't have a purpose, why work?