
Does anybody else have borderline PTSD from working a horrific job?

I've spent 3 years of my life working in call centres. I have frequent, recurrant nightmares that I'm back in one of them, turning up for work at 8:50 and seeing 100 calls in the queue, the incessant din of phones ringing and people talking. I wake up in cold sweats and on the verge of tears. The office I currently work at has the same model of cisco phone I used for 2.5 years at one of my previous call centre jobs. Every time it rings, I shudder, and my heart skips a beat. It's akin to a war veteran hearing fireworks. I'm not being hyperbolic when I say I'd rather be homeless or outright dead than working on one of those absolute hellholes again. Does anyone else have any similar experiences?

I've spent 3 years of my life working in call centres.

I have frequent, recurrant nightmares that I'm back in one of them, turning up for work at 8:50 and seeing 100 calls in the queue, the incessant din of phones ringing and people talking. I wake up in cold sweats and on the verge of tears.

The office I currently work at has the same model of cisco phone I used for 2.5 years at one of my previous call centre jobs. Every time it rings, I shudder, and my heart skips a beat. It's akin to a war veteran hearing fireworks.

I'm not being hyperbolic when I say I'd rather be homeless or outright dead than working on one of those absolute hellholes again.

Does anyone else have any similar experiences?

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