
Does anyone else feel like they’re failing women by not standing up as the Supreme Court rolls back their rights 50 years?

Pretty much what it says in the title. I'm a single dad that co-parents my 12 year old daughter, and I'm mad as hell that these ****heads have the temerity to try and strip her of her right to control her own body and strip the abortion rights of hundreds of millions of Americans as well. I just can't not act. I can't not do whatever it nonviolently takes to stop them. I'm honestly up to here. I've had it. I'm through. I just can't contemplate not taking action. I know other men have to be feeling the same way.

Pretty much what it says in the title. I'm a single dad that co-parents my 12 year old daughter, and I'm mad as hell that these ****heads have the temerity to try and strip her of her right to control her own body and strip the abortion rights of hundreds of millions of Americans as well. I just can't not act. I can't not do whatever it nonviolently takes to stop them. I'm honestly up to here. I've had it. I'm through.

I just can't contemplate not taking action. I know other men have to be feeling the same way.

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