
Does anyone else see this awful trend of companies not hiring employees? But rather full time independent office contractors with no benefits.

This is happening everywhere in my state right now. The last three office’s I’ve “worked” at don’t hire anyone. Everyone is an independent contractor. So out of 75 people they only actually have about 5 employees (CEO,VP’s) so dodging employer tax. It’s on us to pay taxes for each paycheck at the end of the year. The company has no obligation to give you any benefits, healthcare, no vacation, no PTO, all holidays are unpaid. (The office shuts down Christmas to New Years and it’s all unpaid.) Hard to get unemployment for Christmas because you weren’t ever an employee. At anytime they can slash a department budget by “contracting” other workers for cheaper. It’s what happened to me, I crush it at what I do. But it’s not cheap. I posted this before, but they hired this dude who agreed to do my job for what would have been a…

This is happening everywhere in my state right now. The last three office’s I’ve “worked” at don’t hire anyone. Everyone is an independent contractor. So out of 75 people they only actually have about 5 employees (CEO,VP’s) so dodging employer tax.

It’s on us to pay taxes for each paycheck at the end of the year. The company has no obligation to give you any benefits, healthcare, no vacation, no PTO, all holidays are unpaid. (The office shuts down Christmas to New Years and it’s all unpaid.) Hard to get unemployment for Christmas because you weren’t ever an employee.

At anytime they can slash a department budget by “contracting” other workers for cheaper. It’s what happened to me, I crush it at what I do. But it’s not cheap. I posted this before, but they hired this dude who agreed to do my job for what would have been a massive -$20/hr pay cut for me.

They told me the pay, brought me on for half a year. Then double backed and decided the job pays less. So they said “we don’t need you today” that was a month ago and they never brought me back. Found from an inside source it wasn’t my work quality, they just had a bad 1st quarter.

This is a new trend in my state and I’m really worried it’s going to happen across America. When it does, we’re all going to suffer even more.

We haven’t even seen peak capitalism.

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