
Does anyone else think companies are hiring more teenagers so they don’t have to pay adults a living wage and benefits?

I'm not just talking about the customer service or food industry but any job that can get away with using younger people. I realized this after my friend who lives across the US from me was venting that her work has been keeping the wage so low only young adults with well off parents could feel like they're making a “decent” amount. This affects all of the higher up positions because no one makes more than $16.50 an hour and you can't get a raise without a promotion. Even then they are hiring more part time, seasonal workers with no benefits. If you're lucky they'll keep you because it's a chosen career and only if the job is open. They've basically stopped hiring anyone above the age of 24. So of course they're hiring people who either A., need to build relevant experience on their resumes and have no where…

I'm not just talking about the customer service or food industry but any job that can get away with using younger people. I realized this after my friend who lives across the US from me was venting that her work has been keeping the wage so low only young adults with well off parents could feel like they're making a “decent” amount. This affects all of the higher up positions because no one makes more than $16.50 an hour and you can't get a raise without a promotion. Even then they are hiring more part time, seasonal workers with no benefits. If you're lucky they'll keep you because it's a chosen career and only if the job is open. They've basically stopped hiring anyone above the age of 24. So of course they're hiring people who either A., need to build relevant experience on their resumes and have no where else to go or B., won't complain about how much they make because they won't be homeless if they miss a paycheck.

She needed a bachelor's for that position and it's just not enough. I don't understand why it's becoming more common for employers to think that younger people don't need benefits or a living wage. I've seen this in jobs for national parks, jobs in scenic design, data analysis, daycares, all advertising that they're hiring younger people. These jobs require degrees. They're all part time, low wage, seasonal, contracted, or no benefits. Established adults (and older teens) who have no one to depend on cannot take these jobs. It's getting so much worse.

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