
Does company care about me or just wanted to cut my pay to begin with?

Background: I'm a full time stay at home parent. I do all the food prep, planning, cooking, cleaning, laundry, childcare for my baby. And I'm happy to do it. I planned for this and it's important to me. A few months ago someone, Jeff, reached out to me. He said he has some remote computer work he needed done, and if I was available. A friend of a friend recommended me to him. I told him I wasn't looking for more work. I was already a SAHP. But I could work for a few hours a week if the pay was right. We agreed to a payment and schedule I was comfortable with. We have been working together fine for the past few months. I invested myself into the company. But now, they just said they would have to decrease my income by 40%. They reminded me they just opened…

Background: I'm a full time stay at home parent. I do all the food prep, planning, cooking, cleaning, laundry, childcare for my baby. And I'm happy to do it. I planned for this and it's important to me. A few months ago someone, Jeff, reached out to me. He said he has some remote computer work he needed done, and if I was available. A friend of a friend recommended me to him.

I told him I wasn't looking for more work. I was already a SAHP. But I could work for a few hours a week if the pay was right. We agreed to a payment and schedule I was comfortable with.

We have been working together fine for the past few months. I invested myself into the company.

But now, they just said they would have to decrease my income by 40%. They reminded me they just opened up their business and they are paying me out of pocket. Once they get cash flow from their customers, they will give me more, supposedly.

They said they love my work and believe in me, they see me as part of their future , they just don't have a lot of funds right now. I said I'd have to consider what they are saying, and if I can continue like this.

Pros the job is remote and flexible. Especially for a SAHP. Cons, I feel like I invested myself into this company and now they are taking advantage of me and my dedication.

Should I stay? Do they care about me? I don't think they are bad people, I understand it's super hard opening your own business. I've been there. But I am really disheartened by the pay cut, especially when I wasnt looking for extra work, and now they have me in a hard situation. At least that's how I feel it.

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