
Does HR get off on firing people?

Just a generic question. I was hired for a job a few weeks ago which was high paying but not that great of job. Anyway I miss 1 phone call for an interview and it took me two and a half weeks to get back ahold of them to schedule an interview. So fast forward to last week I did orientation on Monday and my kid got sick and was in the hospital, the next day I called and left 2 voicemails and sent an email the next day with no response. My calls never got picked up and over a week later they send a letter saying I didn't communicate with them and they weren't going to continue to offer employment. Now of course I already knew that but it just seems like when employees try to communicate, they aren't around and then accuse us of not communicating but…

Just a generic question. I was hired for a job a few weeks ago which was high paying but not that great of job. Anyway I miss 1 phone call for an interview and it took me two and a half weeks to get back ahold of them to schedule an interview. So fast forward to last week I did orientation on Monday and my kid got sick and was in the hospital, the next day I called and left 2 voicemails and sent an email the next day with no response. My calls never got picked up and over a week later they send a letter saying I didn't communicate with them and they weren't going to continue to offer employment. Now of course I already knew that but it just seems like when employees try to communicate, they aren't around and then accuse us of not communicating but when it comes to firing people they hop all over that.

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