
Does my job automatically own anything I make on work hours?

I’m in the US and this is something my boss told me today. Basically, if I created a widget, piece of writing or a doodle on my work hours, even if not for a work project, the company owns it, and if I tried to sell it or share it on a personal site they could come after me. This smells fishy to me. Im a contractor but have never signed a contract with this company saying anything about intellectual property rights. Where can I learn more about this?

I’m in the US and this is something my boss told me today. Basically, if I created a widget, piece of writing or a doodle on my work hours, even if not for a work project, the company owns it, and if I tried to sell it or share it on a personal site they could come after me.

This smells fishy to me. Im a contractor but have never signed a contract with this company saying anything about intellectual property rights. Where can I learn more about this?

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