
Does no one consider the fact that some people have college degrees yet have to work “menial” jobs still

I see a lot of people talk about how their educated jobs are being paid as much if not less than those that are not educated and I just wanted to put out there that a lot of people working “Skill-less” jobs have degrees or are working towards degrees just don’t have the same opportunities or even luck that some people have. Sometimes we’re stuck doing jobs our degrees aren’t for just to pay the bills and at that point it becomes an endless cycle. I hate that I went to school for an art degree and am stuck doing things I’d rather not be in order to pay rent while simultaneously doing what I feel called to. We all deserve opportunities and positive work force change. That’s all I’m sayin.

I see a lot of people talk about how their educated jobs are being paid as much if not less than those that are not educated and I just wanted to put out there that a lot of people working “Skill-less” jobs have degrees or are working towards degrees just don’t have the same opportunities or even luck that some people have. Sometimes we’re stuck doing jobs our degrees aren’t for just to pay the bills and at that point it becomes an endless cycle. I hate that I went to school for an art degree and am stuck doing things I’d rather not be in order to pay rent while simultaneously doing what I feel called to. We all deserve opportunities and positive work force change. That’s all I’m sayin.

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