
Does nobody give a shit about the people stuck doing shit jobs?

Why does nobody accept any kind of criticism coming from people who work/have worked in genuinely terrible jobs? I see so many people discuss class and workplace issues but voices from the lower class are rarely heard, in my experience, and when they are they are quickly dismissed and brushed aside by others. For example: I worked at a factory and completely hated it, (nearly developed an addiction because of it). I tried to talk about it with some friends and they dismissed it by claiming I was being “ungrateful” and to deal with it, meanwhile none of them had ever worked at a factory nor had any intentions to do so in the future. Why does no one care about the awful experience people who work in these jobs have to go through?

Why does nobody accept any kind of criticism coming from people who work/have worked in genuinely terrible jobs?

I see so many people discuss class and workplace issues but voices from the lower class are rarely heard, in my experience, and when they are they are quickly dismissed and brushed aside by others.

For example: I worked at a factory and completely hated it, (nearly developed an addiction because of it). I tried to talk about it with some friends and they dismissed it by claiming I was being “ungrateful” and to deal with it, meanwhile none of them had ever worked at a factory nor had any intentions to do so in the future.

Why does no one care about the awful experience people who work in these jobs have to go through?

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