
Does passion lead to homelessness?

To awsner this question I do agree passion is important can passions lead to homelessness? 95% of business's fail in the first year. Most people's passion's I can assume are music/acting/school teaching/ Most music does not sell for most people to have a enough monthly income. School teaching requires a bachelor's from a university and years of experience to teach in a classroom. My answer to most people find a skillset that you can make money from to avoid homelessness, cooking/service skills/security work most of that work pays better.

To awsner this question I do agree passion is important can passions lead to homelessness?

95% of business's fail in the first year.

Most people's passion's I can assume are music/acting/school teaching/

Most music does not sell for most people to have a enough monthly income.

School teaching requires a bachelor's from a university and years of experience to teach in a classroom.

My answer to most people find a skillset that you can make money from to avoid homelessness, cooking/service skills/security work most of that work pays better.

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